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Visum und Einreise

Demande de visa Schengen, © Agence allemande de presse (dpa)
Consular Services Portal
The Consular Services Portal provides an easy and secure online application procedure for visas to enter and stay in Germany. Complete your application online and have it checked in advance by the German mission to ensure that it is complete. This way you will be well prepared for the in-person appointment at the German mission where you will provide your biometric data (fingerprints and photo). Please find the link to the Consular Services Portal here: https://digital.diplo.de/visa
You can apply for the following types of visas online:
- Opportunity Card
- Blue Card (EU)
- Taking up employment as an academic
- Taking up employment as a skilled worker with professional training
- Taking up employment with work experience
- Conducting a qualification analysis
- Taking up employment as part of a placement agreement
Weitere Informationen

Welches Visum brauche ich für Deutschland?
Ich möchte nach Deutschland reisen, um dort meinen Urlaub zu verbringen, eine Messe zu besuchen, zu studieren, zu arbeiten oder zu meiner Familie nachzuziehen.
Welches Visum muss ich beantragen?
Hier finden Sie Antworten auf Ihre Fragen zur Einwanderung von Fachkräften und Arbeitsaufnahme in Deutschland. Rechtslage ab 01.03.2020