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Explanation Special payments in response to the coronavirus pandemic

Euromünzen und Bundesadler

Euromünzen und Bundesadler, © chromorange

11.05.2021 - Grein

Explanation of Federal Ministry of Finance guidelines dated 18 January 2021 regarding special payments in response to the coronavirus pandemic

To mitigate additional financial needs resulting from the coronavirus pandemic, non-Jewish victims of National Socialist persecution may receive special assistance (a total of two one-time payments of €1,200 – one in 2021 and one in 2022).
To receive such assistance, applicants must have already received a one-time payment under the “Federal government guidelines on payments to non-Jewish victims of persecution to compensate for individual hardships within the context of restitution” (which were adopted on 26 August 1981 and amended on 7 March 1988). This notice does not apply to persons who receive ongoing payments.
The special payment is granted only upon application.
Effective immediately, applications may be sent by letter (no specific form required) to:

Federal Ministry of Finance
Bonn office
Division V B 3
PO Box 13 08
53003 Bonn

Applications must contain the applicant’s name, place of birth and date of birth. Applications should also include the case number and date (if known) of the one-time payment received under the 1981/1988 guidelines cited above. A copy of a valid identity document and a current official life certificate must also be enclosed with the application; these documents must be notarised if the applicant does not live in Germany. Applications that include bank account details can be processed more quickly.
Applications must be submitted by no later than 31 December 2022.

Application forms

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